Friends of the Delaware Canal
145 South Main Street
New Hope, PA 18938
Phone: 215.862.2021
Michael Ginder, Executive Director

In our last newsletter, we shared the State Park goal of having water from the Lehigh River flow south in the Canal from Easton to New Hope this summer. In spite of repair and maintenance work, the Lehigh River water did, indeed, make it all the way to Centre Bridge by late September, just three miles short of the Lock 11 goal. (In fact, the Canal looked more beautiful than it has in many a year during the Friends’ Canal Walks on September 28 and October 5.) This accomplishment did prove that the Canal can be watered in the northern end.
The late summer news about the Canal from New Hope south to Bristol Borough hasn’t been as good. The water levels in the Canal were fine through spring and mid-summer, but then the Delaware River dropped quickly. The river level dropped below the level of the New Hope inlet and continues to be down. Since the entire southern end of the Canal is supplied with Delaware River water through this inlet, the Canal is water starved. (This occurs when the reading at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) gauge at Trenton is “9 feet” or below.)
Now we are faced with having the entire Canal dewatered for an extended period of time because of construction and repair projects. The Park staff began dewatering the Canal on October 7 because of restrictions related to the habits and habitat of the Eastern Red Belly Turtle, a Pennsylvania threatened species. Find out more about these turtles on page 7.
Loftus Construction has been given “notice to proceed” with the replacement of the Kleinhans (aka Fry’s Run) Aqueduct at a cost of $780,000. The aqueduct, located 6.8 miles south of Easton, failed after a local torrential downpour. Fortunately, it is the shortest aqueduct on the Delaware Canal, and many of the component parts are being pre-fabricated. The contract length is not to exceed 270 day after commencement.
The repair of the bank blowout and the steel trough of the Tinicum Aqueduct was put out to bid and is currently pending the award process. The estimated amount for this repair is between $1 and $1.4 million with the contract length not to exceed 270 days.
Another torrential rainfall caused the berm bank north of the aqueduct to collapse, dumping the Canal’s water into Tinicum Creek. The temporary solution to maintaining water flow has been to fabricate canal banks with highway Jersey barriers and lining the channel with pool liner. This project will also address the holes in the aqueduct steel trough and the leakage through the stone walls. Unfortunately, the replacement of the steel trough with a real aqueduct structure has been postponed into the future.
The towpath in the vicinity of both the Kleinhans Aqueduct and the Tinicum Aqueduct projects will be closed to the public during the construction period.
In addition to these two major construction projects, the Park staff will take advantage of the dewatered Canal by replacing the drop gate at Locks 22/23 at the Theodore Roosevelt Recreation Area in Raubsville, undertaking a variety of repairs, and removing silt bars and trees.
The Canal from New Hope to Bristol Borough will remain in its low water state while several projects are completed. The canal prism will be relined in the vicinity of Airport Road in Bristol Township preventing canal water from infiltrating into adjoining properties. The Friends plan to repair the historic Thompson-Neely Camelback bridge this winter, and the Park will be dredging and removing trees.
With all this news comes the promise by the State Park that water will be restored as soon as it can possibly be.
And through it all, please keep the vision of the Canal at its fully watered best in your head because step by step we’re getting there.
Cindy Adams Dunn, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary, announced the appointment of Devin Buzard as manager of the Delaware Canal State Park Complex on August 30. Jumping right into the partnering aspects of his new job, Devin introduced himself at the Friends of the Delaware Canal Board meeting on September 3.
Devin’s experience managing some of the Commonweath’s more heavily visited parks will serve him well as he takes on the task of dealing with not only the 58.9-mile-long canal, but also the 90-acre Giving Pond, eleven river islands, a stretch of the Nockamixon Cliffs, miles of river shoreline, and the Ralph Stover State Park.
“ I’m looking forward to continuing to build, sustain, and develop strong partnerships with those who know and appreciate these two parks, as well as the many community groups that support outdoor recreation and conservation in the area,” said Devin about his appointment.
Beginning his career with DCNR’s Bureau of State Parks in 2011, Devin worked as field training coordinator with the Park Operations and Maintenance Division in Harrisburg. In 2013, he was appointed manager of Beltzville State Park in Carbon County, overseeing a 2,972-acre park developed around the Beltzville Dam, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood control project.
He was named manager of the Tobyhanna State Park Complex in Monroe and Wayne counties in 2017. Three state parks – Tobyhanna, Gouldsboro, and Big Pocono – comprise that 9,550-acre complex. Most recently, Devin served as manager of the Gifford Pinchot State Park Complex , which included the Susquehannock and Sam Lewis state parks in York and Lancaster counties.
Before joining the Bureau of State Parks, Devin served in the U.S. Marine Corps as a military police officer, attaining the rank of corporal. He is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in recreation, park, and tourism management. Devin and his wife are parents to two children, ages 6 and 9.
We wish Devin all the best in his new and challenging endeavor!
Four Canal paddling adventures are sponsored by the Friends each year in partnership with the Delaware Canal State Park educators. In addition, the educators guide many other public paddles in the Giving Pond and on the Delaware River and Canal. During each session, participants may use the Park’s twelve single and two tandem kayaks for a nominal fee. It’s a great opportunity to find out whether kayaking is a sport for you.
This year, the Park’s two tandems were looking particularly sad, and one was taking on water at a rate that led to its retirement. To replenish the Park’s fleet, the Friends of the Delaware Canal purchased a 14.5-foot Manatee Deluxe Tandem Kayak from L. L. Bean and donated it to the Park. This new kayak’s advantage is that it is a sit-in model that reduces the chances that its paddlers will get really wet. The new kayak has already been put to good use and christened with canal mud.
A second donation of a tandem kayak is happening this fall thanks to the generosity of Board member Judy Franlin and her husband Joe. Their downsizing means that the Park’s other sad tandem can be retired, too. Thanks, Judy and Joe!
Come next paddling season, these two tandems will be ready and waiting.
It was commonly known that there were only two “bump” bridges along the Delaware Canal, and they were located in Bristol Borough by the Grundy Woolen Mill. Built between 1873 and 1876, the swing bridges served as canal crossings for the newly opened Jefferson Avenue and Washington Street.
What wasn’t known was what they looked like. Aerial views and photos taken from a distance were the only available documentation. One could make out triangular structural members, but that was about it. The opportunity to solve the bump bridge mystery presented itself with the Bristol Borough interpretive sign project.
A new panel at Jefferson Avenue about the unique bridges seemed in order, but what to put on it? An inquiry to canal authorities was sent over the internet, and a reply from Ohio promptly arrived in our Inbox. Terry Woods , past president of the Canal Society of Ohio and the American Society, maintains a forum for canallers. The bump bridge question intrigued him so he did some of his own research and put out the question to others. In came a response from Dave Neuhardt, another Ohio canaller, who knew about “ a bunch of them on the Miami & Erie Canal.” He provided a description of the mechanism, an account of how it worked, and, most importantly, a line drawing of a swing/bump bridge.
The Ohio description and the image fit what was known about the Bristol Borough bump bridges, so the information was used to create the drawing and text for the new interpretive sign.
Here is the description shown on the new Bristol Borough interpretive sign:
The advantage of a bump bridge was that it swung open while being gently bumped by an oncoming canal boat. The structure was counterbalanced so that it returned to its original position after the boat had passed. No additional power was need to operate the bridge. They could be used where the land was flat, avoiding the sloping approaches of a typical bridge.
When neighborhood children saw a canal boat coming, they would jump on the bump bridge for a ride. Too many “riders” made a canal boat captain angry because his mule team had to pull harder to make the bridge open, and it was nearly impossible for the bridge to swing closed on its own.
The two bump bridges were replaced by culvert pipes after the Canal closed for business in 1931.
The Friends and our project partners marked the culmination of a two-year-long project to update content and replace twelve interpretive signs that tell the story of the Delaware Canal in Historic Bristol Borough. The signs dot the Canal’s route from the terminus at the Delaware River to the Lagoon at Jefferson Avenue.
The illustrated signs relate:
Where the Canal Met the River * Working with the Tide * In the Basin * Fueling the Economy * Lock 1 – The Canal’s First and Last * The Locktender’s House at Lock 1 * The Bend before the End * Lock 2 – In the Middle * Lock 3 – At the Heart of Commerce * An Industrial Zone of Its Time * Water and Land Marks * A Different Kind of Canal Bridge
We are so grateful to the Grundy Foundation, the Bucks Country Conference and Visitors Bureau, the Bristol Cultural and Historical Foundation, and Bristol Borough Council for helping to renew the Canal’s rich history.
Eastern Red Belly Turtles were sighted in the southern end of the Canal over fifteen years ago. Soon thereafter, they were also noted in the northern end. Their existence has impacted the Canal ever since.
The Eastern Red Belly Turtle is a reptile species of special concern and has been listed as a threatened species by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. Habitat destruction, poor water quality and competition with aggressive non-native turtle species led to the listing.
To protect the Red Belly Turtle population, special procedures must be followed when disturbance of their habitat is planned. In the case of the Delaware Canal, it is permissible to perform work in the Canal during the turtles’ active period from April to October when they are capable of moving away from construction activity. If work is undertaken during the turtles’ hibernation period between October 15 and April 15, the Canal must be de-watered no later than October 15, so that the turtles can find places to hibernate that are out of harm’s way..
The Delaware Canal State Park staff began to dewater the Canal on October 7 to comply with the Eastern Red Belly Turtle restrictions enforced by the Fish and Boat Commission. If the Canal’s water was drawn down after October 15, it is possible that cold-blooded turtles hibernating in the muddy bottom of the Canal would be exposed to freezing temperatures and die a slow and painful death. It is permissible to re-water the Canal during the hibernation period, so if projects are completed before April 15, water can be re-introduced.
The Eastern Red Belly Turtle is one of Pennsylvania’s largest native aquatic turtles. Found in the southeastern and southcentral regions of the Commonwealth, they live in slow rivers, reservoirs, ponds, marshes and ditches; and spend a lot of time basking. They are described as being shy or wary. Thus it’s understandable that they aren’t ones to show off their red bellies.
The Locktender’s House at Lock 11 in New Hope is where the Friends do business and invite visitors in to learn about “Life at the Lock” on the Delaware Canal. It’s a circa 1830, three-story plus attic, stucco over stone house that has been used in different ways over the years.
In 1991, the Friends’ cajoled the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania into buying the house by promising to restore the building and open it to the public. Its location by the then-operating New Hope Mule Barge Ride was ideal.
The Friends raised the funds to restore the building (its interior was very 1950’s), and its doors have been open ever since. Of course, every old house needs maintenance and repairs, and the Friends, as good caretakers, have undertaken many.
This year it was clear that the time had come to take care of the exterior stucco damage caused by an unprecedented canal leak and paint the exterior walls, porch roof and floor. Masterfully, tackling the job have been Jason Butler of Premiere Plaster and Construction and Mark Malone of MCM Painting.
Soon the Locktender’s House will be back to showing off its unblemished, historically appropriate façade thanks to your support of our efforts.
Only six camelback bridges that retain their authentic structure remain along the length of the Delaware Canal. To recognize their important places in the history of the Delaware Canal, small plaques, which display their names, significance, and mileage locations; have been affixed to the bridge abutments. Many thanks to Canal Action Team leader Josh Gradwohl for taking on the complicated fastening task!
Keep an eye out for the new signs.
If you come upon one of the 59 granite mile markers along the Canal towpath and find it obscured by grass, weeds, or dirt, please clear it off, so that we all can count the miles. Thank you!
Mile Marker 1 is located by the Grundy Mill in Bristol Borough, and Mile Marker 58.9 is at the Forks of the Delaware in Easton.
Our Solution to Unpredictable Weather
Dates, Times, Places TBD
For two years in a row, bad weather conditions have foiled our efforts to have winter activities along the Canal. Too cold, too warm, too muddy, too wintery mixy. But, the lures of ice skating, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, and brisk walking are still strong, so we’re going to endeavor to have Pop-up events – again.
When the forecasters agree that the skies will be sunny, the temperatures above frostbite, and the winds relatively calm OR when we have a perfect snowfall, we will send out a message letting you know what we’ll be doing and where/ when we’ll be doing it along the Canal’s length.
We will be waiting for the right opportunities and will notify you of the details in two ways:
Be on the lookout for winter fun along the Canal.
Rachel Albright
Hillary Armitage
Mary Arndtsen
Laura Baird
Wayne Baldwin
Francis Collins
Daphne Daniel
Meg Del Prete
Donna Doan
Elissa Garofalo
Doreen Gramling
Susanne Greczylo
Karen and Michael Hrabowski
Kim and Tyler Jones
Lesley Larson
Cindy and Sean Legg
Marilyn Marquis
Tom Merchant
Matt Murray
Joshua Nay
John Nolan
Kris Reilly
Anne Sears
Kenneth Standig
Jacqueline Strigl
Cindy Wallace
Betsy Werley
Marilyn White
At 8 a.m. on June 26, member Bill Getchell left a message on the Friends’ phone, “There’s a strange phenomenon happening here in Point Pleasant. The Canal is full of water, and it’s flowing nicely.”
No, aliens from a watery planet have not dumped their cargo into the Delaware Canal. The water that is now flowing southward is from the Lehigh River, just as it is meant to. The major repair to the stone wall at Lock 20 south of Kintnersville has been completed, sinkholes have been filled, the Park maintenance staff has done some prism clearing, and there are no impediments to having the Lehigh River water flow down the Canal. Knock on wood!
The Park officials intend to let the Lehigh River water flow south as far as it can go this summer. Having it reach Lock 11 in New Hope would be extraordinary because the temporary fixes at Kleinhans Aqueduct south of Easton and at the Tinicum Aqueduct do restrict the volume of water that the Canal can carry. Let’s hope for the extraordinary and more.
All the rain that has been pouring down this summer has kept the Delaware River level well above the level of the New Hope inlet, so the Canal from the former Odette’s site to Bristol has been full, except for drawdowns to prevent the Canal from overtopping its banks during extended downpours. The electrical equipment to run a pump, which will augment the southern end water supply should the River level fall for an extended period of time, is here and ready to be installed when DCNR gives the go-ahead.
Visitors are flowing more freely along the towpath, too. The official opening of the tunnel through the USX railroad embankment south of Morrisville took place on June 11 with DCNR Secretary
Cindy Adams Dunn and PennDOT Secretary Leslie Richards doing the honors. The long-distance trail organizations – the D&L Trail, the Circuit Trail, and the East Coast Greenway – were there to celebrate as well as state, county and local officials, towpath users, and, of course, the Friends. The end of a nearly 20-year-long process to rid the Canal towpath of its most dangerous obstruction was enthusiastically lauded. The railroad lines in the vicinity put on a show at the same time with Septa, Amtrak, USX, and NJ Transit trains all passing by. It was a good demonstration of the need for the tunnel.
Construction of the pedestrian walkway across the Scudder Falls Bridge on I-295 is underway. When complete the walkway will connect the Delaware Canal and Delaware and Raritan Canal towpaths and be the seventh connector in the PA/NJ Loop Trail system.
A new interpretive sign stands by Locks 15/16 north of Point Pleasant. It tells the story of settler Joseph Smith, the industry-focused village that he developed, and how the Delaware Canal changed the area. It’s a great story, and the new sign allows it to be shared with the Canal’s many visitors.
A generous contribution from Margaret Copenhaver, in memory of her husband Tom, made the development and fabrication of the sign possible. It is a wonderful, thoughtful gift to the Canal, and we are most grateful. Here Marge describes why she chose the project.
“Tom loved the Canal and was a long-time member of the Friends of the Delaware Canal. When we bought a house between the Canal and Delaware River in Smithtown in 2000, it was a dream come true – a lovely retreat that we could easily visit on weekends, as we looked ahead to moving here permanently to spend our retirement years. One of our favorite things was walking on the towpath on a summer’s day, and rafting or tubing back home on the river. It didn’t get any better than that, with the possible exception of listening to the enchanting concert emanating from the Canal, provided by the always-unseen peepers, announcing that spring and summer were imminent.
Tom passed away in the spring of 2015. Working with Susan Taylor, many ideas were discussed as to what would be a nice tribute to Tom’s legacy, while also being of benefit to the Friends. I’m delighted with the sign and feel it was the perfect choice. I know that Tom would definitely approve.”
The Friends helped out the Delaware Canal State Park maintenance crews by contracting with T&T Tree Service for the removal of some of the most problematic trees along the Canal. The initial $6,625 phase of the project went well, so the Friends also were able to fund the $3600 cost to remove two huge trees near the Locktender’s House at Locks 22/23.
Gone are:
As you can see from the photographs, the project was quite a production number.
Many thanks to you who contributed to the Friends’ Year-End Appeal. Its success made this Canal improvement project possible.
Last year, the Friends experimented by purchasing a kayak stabilizing device called a KayaArm. Canal Action Team (CAT) volunteers installed the aluminum cradle and post on the north dock at Locks 22/23 in Raubsville, and it was officially tested during a Friends’ Paddle the Canal event. It received enthusiastic thumbs up from both the kayakers and the State Park educators responsible for getting people in and out of kayaks safely.
This success led to the desire to install KayaArms on all the other Delaware Canal docks – the south dock at Locks 22/23 and the two docks at the Durham Aqueduct and Lock. The funding stars aligned, and the Friends were able to buy three KayArms using a past contribution from Riegelsville Borough with Council’s permission. CAT has installed the three, and they are ready for action now that the Canal’s water level has been restored.
Thank you, Riegelsville Borough for helping to promote kayaking on the Canal by making it so much easier and safer to get in and out of the water!
Spring brings sunny days, comfortable temperatures, and great numbers of Delaware Canal State Park visitors – bicyclists, hikers, runners, walkers, equestrians, birders, scenery lovers, etc. The Canal towpath, with its many quirks, is required to accommodate everyone, making it so much more important for visitors to be aware of and courteous to each other.
Here are two tips for sharing the towpath trail:
Bicyclists- Please signal your approach verbally or by ringing a bicycle bell. It’s easy to startle others when you’re coming up quickly and quietly. Slowing down would be nice, too.
Walkers – Please stay to the right on the towpath, so that others can pass by safely.
Three new Canal Tenders have stepped up to the task of caring for and monitoring sections of the waterway and towpath.
Chris Shebest is working on the Rabbit Run to Phillips’ Mill stretch in Solebury Township.
Keller Arnold has adopted the Levittown Shopping Center to Wheatsheaf Road section in Tullytown Borough and Falls Township.
Christine Curtis is co-tending the Forks of the Delaware to Wy-Hit-Tuk Park area with Bob Barth.
Thank you all! And very special thanks to long-distance traveler, Jeff Connell, who is retiring from his tending duties in the southern end of the Canal.
Canal Action Team volunteers were very hard at work on June 5 digging holes, pouring concrete, leveling bases, prying open frames as they installed a PA/NJ Loop Trail sign in Morrisville and a new site-specific interpretive sign in Smithtown, removed a damaged directional sign, and replaced sign panels at Lock 11 in New Hope. Josh Gradwohl led the team of Mark Frey, Ed Leydon, Pete Rosswaag, and Collin Stuart.
Next up for CAT – the installation of small signs on each of the six remaining authentic camelback bridges along the Canal.
June 28 was George Calaba’s last day as Park Operations Manager for the Delaware Canal State Park Complex. He has taken a position in the private sector closer to his home. We wish him all the best! DCNR already has posted the opening and is expediting the selection process in hopes of having a new Manager in place by mid-July.
Two long-delayed projects – replacement of the Kleinhans Aqueduct south of Easton and significant repairs to and around the Tinicum Aqueduct – are going out to bid on July 10. Bids will be received by DCNR on August 8. If all goes well, construction should start this fall. This timing renews hope that both projects can be undertaken simultaneously, thus reducing the length of time that the Canal might be without water.
Rosanne Bonaventura
Debra Carrier
Bill Denton
Maria DePiano
Kathleen DiGrazia
Clay Gearhart
Aaron Heimowitz
William Jaglowski and Kevin Clark
Cindy and David Little
Gerald Martina
Donald McCloskey
Linda Mirales-Moran
Marie Progin
Susan Redcay
Ari Spectorman
Ronald Stockham
Donna Wagner
Jordan Yeager
Thanks to generous year-end contributions from our members, the Friends have been able to contract with T&T Tree Service for the removal of some of the most problematic trees along the Canal.
Ever since Hurricane Sandy, trees have been falling at much too rapid a rate. The Park staff has admirably persevered, but the removal of some of the trees requires special handling and equipment because of their sizes and locations. T&T Tree Service will have use lift trucks to access out- of-the-way limbs and wield chainsaws while floating in kayaks. A mulberry tree leaning “drastically” over the Canal in New Hope will be removed. A big box elder will be extracted from the water in Morrisville, and a large black locust teetering over the towpath in Lower Makefield will no longer be a threat. Also, T&T will be cutting down a swath of Ailanthus Altissima (Tree of Heaven) that is growing on a 400-foot section of canal bank in New Hope, and then they will treat the stumps with herbicide so that there is no regrowth. Tree of Heaven is the favorite food of the destructive Spotted Lanternfly, which invaded our area last year.
T&T hopes to begin work soon before the ground softens (although the guys in the kayaks are probably wishing for warmer weather.) If all goes well with this project, the Friends may contract for the removal of several leaning trees near Groundhog Lock in Raubsville.
The Friends are pleased to be of help with the Canal’s tree plague. And we thank everyone who clears manageable branches off the towpath to make way for visitors.
When it comes to canal problems, many seem like déjà vu. We all know about sinkholes, collapses, overflows…, but now there’s a brand new issue – broken teeth. The feeder gate at Easton, which allows Lehigh River water to flow into the Delaware Canal, has several broken gear teeth. The lack of teeth makes it difficult to open and close the gate, therefore, the Park staff has been maintaining the gate at a half-open level resulting in a typical “winter maintenance level”.
The gear component needs to be removed and taken to a machine shop for tooth repair. To remove the component, the feeder gate must be fully opened, something that the Park staff does not want to do while there is still the threat of a winter solid freeze. (If the Canal freezes over with a full head of water in it, there is the very real possibility that the waste gates would freeze shut and heavy rain or snow would cause the Canal to overtop its banks.) As soon as the threat of frozen waste gates disappears, the gear component will be removed, sent to the repair shop, and, we hope, back in time to allow a full Canal in the spring.
In other news, heavy rain displaced the bypass channel liner at the Tinicum Aqueduct. To stop the liner from being undermined by overflowing water, the Park staff is currently diverting water out of the Canal at the waste gate by the Golden Pheasant Inn, just north of the aqueduct. The liner needs to be pulled back into place, but due to its fragility in freezing weather, the pulling needs to wait for warmer temperatures to arrive.
The Fry’s Run Aqueduct replacement project in Williams Township and the Tinicum Aqueduct repair project are still on track to be put out to bid this spring. The bidding and acceptance process generally takes approximately 90 days with commencement of the work beginning shortly thereafter.
This winter’s cold, rain, high winds, and flu have put a damper on progress along the Canal, but we’ll get beyond it.
Come on, Spring!
George Calaba has been appointed as the new Park Operations Manager for Delaware Canal State Park Complex, which includes Ralph Stover State Park and associated resources such as the Nockamixon Cliffs and the Delaware River Island Natural Areas.
His name and face are familiar because he served as Assistant Park Manager at Delaware Canal under Rick Dalton and, up until March 1, was the Manager at Washington Crossing Historic Park.
George is a veteran of the US Navy and graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Geography. Following a brief stint as a counselor for at-risk youth, he attended the Indiana University of Pennsylvania and earned a Master of Science degree in Geography and Regional Planning. Since joining the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in 2000, he has gained invaluable knowledge and skill while working as a manager at seven state parks.
In his first e-mail to the Friends upon his return, he wrote “ Looking forward to working with the Friends and doing good things for the Canal. I really enjoyed my time there under Rick and am excited to further the great work done thus far.”
Welcome Back, George!
For more than 20 years, the Friends have had the great pleasure of taking part in two local festivals. Each January, we partner with the Delaware and Raritan Canal Watch to host a Two Canal, One River walking tour during the Lambertville-New Hope Winter Festival. This year, through the wonders of Facebook sharing, 300 people arrived ready to explore.
In July, the Friends are invited to set up a booth at the Tinicum Arts Festival where we share information about the Canal and sell some t-shirts and hats, too. Over the years, we’ve introduced thousands of people to the Delaware Canal.
Both festivals are excellent friend-making opportunities – a definite win.
Each year, after the festivals are over, we are privileged to receive generous contributions from the organizers – Twin Rivertown Projects, Inc. and the Tinicum Civic Association. With the objective of improving the community, the organizing groups share their event proceeds with non-profits working in their communities – a second win.
The Friends have benefited from our festival participation in so many ways. We’re very thankful and want to continue to be part of the fun for many years to come.
The efforts of our dedicated Canal Tenders, who take care of their sections of the waterway and towpath throughout the year, are clearly evident – trash collected, branches and debris cleared, and problems reported promptly to the State Park staff. We are so grateful for their diligence and hard work.
At the beginning of each year, we check in with all the Tenders. This year, four have decided to “retire.” We heartily thank David and Vicky Child, who tended between the Rabbit Run and Phillips’ Mill Bridges in New Hope; Jose Acevado, whose section was from Beaver Street to the Lagoon in Bristol Borough; and Harry Dozer, who helped care for the section of Canal from Bridge 2 to Bridge 3 in Smithtown, for their years of service.
Much of the Canal has been adopted by Tenders, but there are still some “orphan” stretches. Please consider volunteering to close these last gaps. Individuals, couples, and groups are very welcome.
These sections can be divided into smaller stretches.
To learn more about what’s involved in being a Canal Tender, visit and click on Help. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us at 215-862-2021 or
The Canal needs you!
The list of this year’s work areas follows. The names of the Clean-Up Day Coordinators or Canal Tenders are included for each area. Help is especially needed in areas highlighted in red. Please contact your local coordinator to volunteer.
Bristol Borough: Lagoon Park to Riverfront Park
Mary Kehoe and Dave McGlynn
Bristol Borough: Green Lane to Lagoon Park
Brett Webber, Coordinator – 215-840-2034
Bristol Twp.: Levittown Shopping Center (former Sonic) to Green Lane
Ed Armstrong & GOAL (Greenbelt Overhaul Alliance of Levittown) –
Falls Twp./Tullytown: Mill Creek Road to Levittown Shopping Center
Jeff Connell, Canal Tender – 732-581-9464
Falls Twp.: Falls Twp. Park to Mill Creek Road
Boy Scout Troop 46 – Renee Thompson, Coordinator
Falls Twp.: Tyburn Road to Wheatsheaf Road
Susan Taylor – 215-493-6625
Falls Twp.: Railroad Obstruction to Wheatsheaf Road
Alex Castner, Canal Tender
Morrisville: Bridge Street to the Railroad Obstruction
Lynn Vogel and Josh Gradwohl, Canal Tenders – 215-595-6114 A volunteer with a boat / kayak would be welcome.
Morrisville: Trenton Avenue to Bridge Street
Mayor Dave Rivella, Coordinator – 215-295-5030
Lower Makefield Twp. /Morrisville: Black Rock Road to Trenton Avenue
Hal Long & Morrisville-Yardley Area Rotary Club, Canal Tenders – 215-493-4962
Yardley/Lower Makefield Twp.: Afton Avenue to Black Rock Road
Ann and Keith Webb, Canal Tenders – 215-295-4063
Lower Makefield Twp./Yardley: Woodside Road to Afton Avenue
Eileen Kileen & Yardley Friends Meeting – 609-947-4259
Lower Makefield Twp./Yardley: Mt. Eyre Road to Woodside Road
Bob Ketler, Canal Tender – 267-566-2759
Upper Makefield Twp.: Stoney Run Aqueduct to Mt. Eyre Road
Gordon Heisler & Traditions Volunteers, Canal Tenders
Solebury Twp./Upper Makefield Twp.: Bowman’s Hill to Stoney Run Aqueduct
Central Bucks Bicycle Club – Nora and Randy Schenk, Canal Tenders
New Hope: Lock 9 to Bowman’s Hill
Ray and Sara Altieri, Canal Tenders
New Hope: Rabbit Run to Lock 9
Pam Can & New Hope Garden Club
Solebury Twp.: Phillips’ Mill to Rabbit Run
Katie and Jim Wolf, Canal Tenders –
Solebury Twp.: Centre Bridge to Phillips’ Mill
Marge Copenhaver and Aodan and Linda Peacock, Canal Tenders
Solebury Twp.: Virginia Forrest to Centre Bridge
Daniel Schwager, Canal Tender
Solebury Twp.: Lock 12 to Virginia Forrest Recreation Area
Sheree Cote and Tom Lurz – Canal Tenders
Point Pleasant: Mountainside Inn to Lock 12
Sally and Bill Getchell, Canal Tenders
Point Pleasant: Bridge 2 to Mountainside Inn
Hank Goldberg, Canal Tender
Tinicum Twp.: Bridge 3 to Bridge 2
Peter Shaw, Canal Tender
Tinicum Twp.: Lock 17 to Bridge 3
Thomas Fryer, Canal Tender
Tinicum Twp.: Uhlerstown to Lock 17
Appalachian Mountain Club, Del Val Chapter and the Housewives of Rolling Hills, Canal Tenders
Tinicum Twp.: Lodi to Uhlerstown
Happy & Sam Shipley, Canal Tenders
Upper Black Eddy: Berm Lane to Lodi
Janice Armstrong and Steve Schlosser – Canal Tenders
Upper Black Eddy: Indian Rock to Berm Lane
Larry Reinfeld and Upper Black Eddy Rapid Response Team
Riegelsville/ Upper Black Eddy: Mueller’s Store to Indian Rock Inn
Mark Greaney, Canal Tender
Williams Twp.: Wy-Hit-Tuk Park to Mueller’s Store
Carole Mebus, Canal Tender
Easton to Wy-Hit-Tuk Park
Pete Rosswaag – 610-982-9789 –
As the warblers return to the Canal in May, you will be receiving your Friends of the Delaware Canal membership renewal request for the year 2019.
Please support all that we do to improve the Canal in our ongoing quest to make it a better and more beautiful place for people (and Yellow Warblers) to return.
We welcome checks because we save on credit card fees, but also are happy to have you renew online. Just click Join on the main menu and navigate to the Renew Your Membership page.
Thank You!
Mark Greaney
Lynne Kemler
Michael Pietsch
We are hoping against hope that when spring arrives, the weather will get less quirky, but it doesn’t, here’s what to do. If you are in doubt about whether or not a Friends’ event will be held, please check the list of Coming Events on the homepage of A Go/No Go message will be posted at least 4 hours prior to the starting time.
Canal News – Winter 2019
Three projects that have been on the books or in progress throughout 2018 will be complete before the first daffodils start to bloom this spring.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel south of Morrisville. A pedestrian passageway has been drilled through the Conrail embankment. The liner is in place, concrete wing walls on the north and south sides have been poured, and finishing touches are underway. The completion of the passageway, preparations for which started in the fall of 2017, is a relief. The Conrail embankment was one the remaining major trail obstructions along the Canal and the most dangerous. To continue along the towpath, visitors either had to climb up, then down steep, slippery slopes or take a detour path that lay much too close to the active Amtrak and Septa tracks. The new passageway is a very welcome improvement, especially for those who use the towpath to commute to work in good weather.
Cars are already crossing the new bridge over the Canal at Phillips’ Mill. The design of the replacement incorporated faux camelback trusses and can accommodate the needs of the residences that are situated between the Canal and the Delaware River. Bi-State Construction is removing the extensive temporary access road and will paint the trusses traditional barn red when the temperatures allow. All should be done three months ahead of schedule. It will be great to have this section of the towpath back in use, especially since it is part of the PA/NJ Canal Loop system.
Taking advantage of the waterless state of the Canal through this area, the State Park maintenance staff is clearing vegetation that has grown up in the Canal prism and partially blocks water flow. It is anticipated that the Centre Bridge pump will be turned back on in the spring when all the bridge work is done and the clearing accomplished. The electricity to operate the Centre Bridge pump is paid by the community group New Hope for Our Canal working under the non-profit umbrella of the Friends.
The idea of improving the detour route around the Tyburn Road towpath trail obstruction in Falls Township has been simmering ever since the Friends commissioned a plan back in the 1990’s. The proposed route was simple, but the ownership issues were not. An upgrade was not pursued by DCNR, particularly since the old path was, sort of, usable. Then, in 2017, the stars aligned. PennDOT constructed an access for one of its projects that basically matched the route of the proposed towpath detour. The idea of recycling PennDOT’s access into a trail detour took hold, particularly since the Delaware Canal towpath is part of longer trail systems, such as the D&L Trail and the East Coast Greenway. Plans were prepared, and, late this fall, DCNR’s regional maintenance crew grubbed, graded, and laid two layers of stone. The new detour is now usable, but the application of the final layer of fine argillite stone will have to wait until the local quarries reopen in the spring. At the same time, fencing will be erected along the railroad property and a crossing will be marked at the intersection of the towpath and the entrance to Cresent U-Pull-It Auto Parts.
An unexpected ending was the departure of Delaware Canal State Park Manager Josh Swartley at the end of December. Josh has been promoted to the position of Assistant Regional Manager and will be responsible for the parks located centrally within Southeast PA Region 4. DCNR has received applications for the Delaware Canal State Park Manager position from managers at other locations within Pennsylvania. Interviews will take place at the end of January and hopes are that a new manager will be in place by mid-February. In the meantime, Assistant Park Manager Bethany Hare is in charge of the Canal Park. Many thanks to Josh for always endeavoring to improve the Park and make operations run smoothly.
In other news of the continuing sort:
• The final designs for both the Kleinhans Aqueduct replacement and the Tinicum Aqueduct bank and trough repairs have been approved. It is anticipated that the two projects will be put out to bid this spring.
• The initial scoping meetings for the replacement of the Lumberville Aqueduct and the rebuilding of the stone walls at High Falls Creek in Bridgeton Township have taken place.
• The solution of filling sinkholes in the Canal prism with flowable concrete continues to work well. Unfortunately, new sinkholes keep dropping down. In the last 3-4 months, eight sinkholes have been discovered and filled between Bridges 2 and 3 north of Point Pleasant. This section of the Canal has been notoriously problematic over the years.
• The original River House/Odette’s structure has been moved from its original site between the Canal and the River to a triangle of land at the intersection of South Main Street and Riverwoods Drive in New Hope. The move and exterior rehabilitation of the building are being done by Gateway to New Hope, the developer of the four-story hotel and event venue planned for the original Odette’s site. DCNR will then acquire ownership of the building. Plans for its future use are in process.
And, of course, there are many more things going on along the Canal. Thanks to the generosity of those who contributed to the Friends’ year-end appeal, we will be able to deal with the removal of, at least, some of the huge trees that have fallen into the Canal and are too much for the Park staff to handle.
And on we go!
Marking the individual miles along the 58.9-mile-long Delaware Canal is a service appreciated by State Park visitors and staff alike. The history of how those miles were marked is long, complicated and reflects the generosity of donors and thousands of hours of work by volunteers.
The latest system of markers – engraved granite stones set flush with the towpath surface – had its birth back in 2002 fathered by Board member Pete Sperry. Friends’ members willingly contributed the cost of the stones and materials, often to honor friends, relatives, and pets. Volunteers under the leadership of Pete Sperry began the laborious job of installing the new stones in 2004, the same year that the first of four major Delaware River floods struck. Naturally, the flood damage drastically slowed down the mile marker project, but the volunteers kept at it, putting in markers in the sections that were unaffected by the floods. Ironically, the floods didn’t damage the stones as much as the heavy equipment used to repair the Canal did. Some of the markers were buried and broken. But the volunteers were undaunted.
This fall the last of the replacement mile markers was installed. Mile Marker 57 is in the ground, and all of the Canal’s 58.9 miles have their engraved granite markers back.
When you’re out on the towpath, keep your eyes open for them. #1 is by the Grundy Mill in Bristol; #58.9 is at the Forks of the Delaware in Easton.
Where there are more people, there is more trash, so we’re pleased to announce that two heavily used sections of the Canal now have more Canal Tenders.
David Nay has volunteered to tend the section from Bridge Street to East Maple Avenue in Morrisville Borough.
Melissa, Steven, and James Leiby will be caring for the Canal from East Maple Avenue to Ferry Road also in Morrisville Borough.
The New Hope-Solebury High School Environmental Club is covering the stretch from Lock 11 in New Hope Borough to Phillips’ Mill in Solebury Township.
Thank you for helping to make the Canal a better place to visit and to live, if you’re a critter.
Three sections of the Canal remain without Tenders.
Please let us know if you can fill one of these gaps. Being a Canal Tender is a rewarding experience in many ways. To find out more about what’s involved, visit the HELP page at or call 215-862-2021.
The new three-panel interpretive sign for the Groundhog Lock aka Theodore Roosevelt Recreation Area is ready to be installed this spring. The panels tell the stories of the lost town of Uhlersville, the electric power house, and the impact of the Canal and the trolley line on the area. Many thanks to Williams Township for making a donation to cover the cost of the sign and to local historians Beth Weaver and Ned Heindel for sharing their knowledge and resources.
During our Annual Meeting on November 13, several actions were taken concerning the Friends’ Board of Directors.
Pam Can and Lynn Vogel were honored for their service as Board members. Both were officers – Pam, Vice-President and Lynn, Secretary. Enthusiastic about fundraising, Pam brainstormed and coordinated many an event and was a Canal Clean-Up Day community organizer. Lynn’s professional experience with the NJ DEP was invaluable, and she and her husband Josh Gradwohl are outstanding Canal Tenders and CAT volunteers.
The membership re-elected Judy Franlin, Joan Fullerton, and David Schaeffer to additional two-year terms. Elected to their first terms were Nancy Small and Jack Torres. Jack Donohue was elected to return to the Board after a hiatus.
Here’s a bit about them.
Jack Donohue
Jack and his wife Claire moved to Bucks County thirteen years ago and were fortunate to find a home on the Canal and the River in Lumberville. They soon started walking and bike riding on the towpath and, later, began cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Early on, Jack bought a used rowboat to paddle on the Canal, but it has mainly sat on its sawhorses awaiting a nice steady flow of water, and it’s still waiting.
Over the years, he has walked the entire length of the Canal and would recommend it to everyone. All the diversity of Bucks County’s communities and scenery is played out along the waterway.
This will be Jack’s second stint on the Friends’ Board, which he joined about ten years ago, even serving as President for a few years. Lately, he has been looking for a way to again become involved with the activities along the Canal, and he knows that becoming more active with the Friends is the best way to do that.
Nancy Small
Nancy, and her husband, Roger Keller, and their black lab, Samantha live between the Delaware Canal and the Delaware River in Upper Black Eddy. Nancy has been a resident of Bridgeton Township for three years, yet has enjoyed the benefits of the Canal and its towpath for over a decade.
Having lived in Vermont for 20 years, Nancy has a good appreciation for the value of outdoor recreation, preservation of natural spaces, and advocating for policies and programs that allow important historic places to be preserved. This “last towpath canal in America capable of being fully-watered and restored” is a prize that she hopes to assist in building and preserving as well.
In retirement, Nancy serves on several boards, is an Auditor and the Majority Inspector for Bridgeton Township, a Master Gardener, and a regular yoga practitioner. She hopes to put her decades of professional experience in marketing and publishing to use to benefit the Friends through engaging members in fulfilling activities and bringing the benefits of the Canal to an ever wider audience.
Jack Torres
Jack’s earliest memories of the Canal are of family day trips to New Hope to take rides on the mule barge. After moving to Bucks County, he learned that the Canal was, indeed, more than just an attraction in New Hope.
Jack resides in Erwinna, just above the Canal, and enjoys walking and biking on the towpath in what he considers to be one of the most scenic areas along the waterway’s entire length. He became involved with the Friends through Canal Clean-Up Days. Since then, he has served on the Fundraising Committee, as well as the Advocacy, Restoration and Maintenance Committee, and is also a business member of the Friends.
Jack is a Real Estate Agent, licensed in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and enjoys telling his clients about the Canal, the Friends, and all of the many activities that make this area a special place to live.
At its first meeting of the new year the Board of Directors elected its officers.
Brett Webber – President
Laure Duval – Vice-President
Jack Torres – Secretary
Larry Reinfeld – Treasurer
The Board welcomes your questions, input and help!
Sally and Bruce Blair
Daniel Bornstein
Debra and Kenneth Breslin
Ann Church
Jack Torres, Coldwell Banker Hearthside Realtors – Doylestown
Thora Faigle
Jason Goldstein
David Harper
Michael Hurle
Paula Hynes
George Miller
Rich Laughlin
Pam Murray
John Ramelli
Linda Schneider
Chris Shebest
Steven Shelly
Robert Sherry
Susan Ward-Huerkens
Sandy Weber
Friends of the Delaware Canal
145 South Main Street
New Hope, PA 18938
Phone: 215.862.2021
Michael Ginder, Executive Director
Helping on Canal Clean-up Day is just one way you can get involved and help to restore, preserve and improve the Delaware Canal. Big or small, the perfect job for you awaits – all you need to do is get involved! FIND OUT MORE