Get ’em Before They Hatch

As we have learned in years past, getting rid of Spotted Lanternflies while they are alive is a challenge. They jump; they fly; they jump; they fly…
There is still time to control these destructive insects before they hatch and fly off on their pretty wings. Start finding and destroying their egg masses now. Spotted Lanternflies lay their eggs in the fall, usually on flat surfaces like tree trunks, rocks, walls, wood fencing, even outdoor equipment.
It may take a bit of investigating, but you will become better at tracking them down once you know what to look for. If you have an Ailanthus tree aka Tree of Heaven on your property, check there first. These trees are a Lanternfly favorite. If you noticed an infestation on your property, be sure to scan that area as well.
You can remove their mud-like egg masses with a paring knife or a small plastic card, like a credit card. Using a rigid surface, you can crush the eggs or, even better, remove and destroy the entire casing by scraping it into a plastic bag containing rubbing alcohol. Once the eggs come in contact with the liquid, they will die. Killing eggs now will help curb this pest this summer.
So, harness your pent-up energy and go Lanternfly hunting.